D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Introduction EN | 6
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
1.4 New Features
The items shown Table 3 are new features added to the D9412G/D7412G Control Panels since version 6.10.
Table 3: New Features
Feature Description
Ground Fault Detect
(Version 6.10)
For the D9412G/D7412G to detect ground fault conditions, the earth ground terminal on the
control panel was electrically isolated from all other terminals. A ground fault detect enable switch
(S4) was added to the control panel and is located under Terminal 10, earth ground. For more
information on the operation of this function, see the D9412G/D7412G Operation and Installation
Guide (P/N: 43488).
Added Feature when
Using Ground Fault
Detect (Version 6.10)
When ground fault detect is enabled (S4 closed), Points 1 to 8 can be used for non-powered fire-
initiating devices; such as, heat detectors, 4-wire smoke detectors, or pull stations. A D125B
Powered Loop Interface or a D129 Dual Class A Interface Module is no longer required when
connecting non-powered fire-initiating devices to Points 1 to 8.
Fire Supervision Restoral
Event (Version 6.20)
A new Fire Supervision Restoral Event was added to the Fire Events route group allowing this
event to be transmitted when a Fire Supervision point restores to normal. Previous versions sent
either a Fire Alarm Restore or Fire Trouble Restore Event.
AC Fail Time modification
(Version 6.20)
The AC Fail Time entry was modified to allow additional programming flexibility. In previous
versions, the AC Fail Time was made in either minutes or seconds (depending on the firmware
version). However, version 6.20 allows you to select minutes or seconds and the length of time the
AC Fail message is delayed (6 hours or 12 hours) after the occurrence. See the AC Fail Time
prompt in Section 2.5 Power Supervision for additional information.
Fire Trouble Resound
(Version 6.20)
The D9412G and D7412G can be programmed to re-sound the fire trouble tone at command
center(s) at midnight or at noon if the Fire point is still in a trouble condition. See the A # Silent
Alarm prompt in Section 2.13.1 Area Relays for additional information.
Perimeter Armed Relay
Operation (Version 6.20)
The D9412G and D7412G can be programmed to activate a relay output when an area becomes
Perimeter Armed using COMMAND 2 (Perimeter Instant), COMMAND 3 (Perimeter Delayed), or
COMMAND 8 (Perimeter Partial). See the A # Silent Alarm prompt in Section 2.13.1 Area Relays
for additional programming information.
Poll Rate Operation
(Version 6.20)
In versions 6.00 and 6.10, a poll rate can be programmed to supervise the connection between the
control panel, D9133TTL-E, and the D6600 Receiver. If the supervision connection was lost, future
events were still routed to the Primary Path first before attempting the Backup Path. In version 6.20,
the ability to instruct the control panel to automatically use the Backup Path if the Primary Path is
compromised was added.
Programming Account
Numbers (Version 6.20)
The 9000MAIN version 1.12 handler and version 6.20 firmware and higher now can program a
four-digit or ten-digit account number for each area. See the A# Acct Number prompt in Section
2.9 Area Parameters for additional programming information.
The D9412G and D7412G can now be programmed to group multiple points together in a Cross
Point configuration mode. This feature, more commonly known as Cross Zoning, instructs the
control panel to delay its alarm response for a programmed period of time before additional points
go into an alarm condition, verifying the burglar alarm condition. To program the D9412G or
D7412G for Cross Point operation, review the following:
Location Item
Table 10
R# Unverified Evt
Section 4.1.1 Point Responses
Cross Point prompt
Cross Point Operation
(Version 6.30)
Section 6.8 Cross Point Parameters
Cross Point prompt
D1260 Alpha V Command
Center Support (Version
The new D1260 Alpha V Command Center boasts an easy-to-read, four-line by twenty-character
LCD display, eight soft keys for displaying simple selections, and the standard Bosch Security
Systems command structure (COMMAND 1, COMMAND 2, and so on). See the Enhanced
Command Center prompt in Section 2.10.1 Cmd Cntr (Command Center) Assignment for further
programming information.