D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 69
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
A# Fire Bell
Default: A
Selection: Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
This voltage output relay activates and provides
12 VDC output when a Fire point (
P## Fire
is Yes)
assigned to this area goes into alarm.
Fire Time and Fire Pat must be
programmed in Bell Parameters. This relay
activates according to the bell pattern and
remains active until the bell time expires.
P## Silent Bell must be No in order for
the bell to ring upon alarm.
Although Relay C is a valid entry for A#
Fire Bell, do not program Relay C for this
A# Reset Sensors
Default: C
Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
Unlike the default relay for Alarm Bell and Fire Bell,
this voltage-output relay (Relay C) de-activates for 5
seconds when the Reset Sensors? function is
initiated from the command center or during a Fire
Walk Test.
The Reset Sensor time converts from the
5 second default time to the time
programmed in A# Verify Time (see
Section 2.9 Area Parameters) when a
point programmed for P## Alarm Verify
(Section 4.1 Point Index) goes into an
alarm condition.
When sharing one relay to reset sensors in
two or more areas, you must program the
following. Failure to do so causes
TROUBLE PT ### for all point types
programmed as P## Resettable.
• CC # Scope must include all the areas
that are sharing the relay.
• L## Reset Sensors for the user
initiating the sensor reset must be
enabled for all the areas that are
sharing the relay.
• A# Verify Time must be the same
number of seconds for all the areas
that are sharing the relay.
A# Fail to Close
Default: Blank
Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
Activates when the Closing Window expires for the
specified area. It remains activated until midnight, or
until another Closing Window starts, or the control
panel is reset, whichever occurs first.
See Programming Tip #5 in this section
for additional relay functions.
A# Force Armed
Default: Blank
Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
Activates when this area is Force Armed. It remains
activated until the area is disarmed or the control
panel is reset.
When perimeter force arming, this relay
does not activate.
A# Watch Mode
Default: Blank
Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
Activates when a Controlled point programmed for
P## Watch Point
is tripped in the specified area
while the area is in Watch Mode and the point is not
armed. It remains activated for 2 seconds after each
point is faulted.