
Bosch Security Systems | 20 January 2004
DVAS | Instruction Manual | Bosch GUI
7. 9 Network Statistics
This page provides information about the network
link. If you are having problems with the network, this
page may be helpful.
Available Information:
7.10 Bad Blocks
Bad blocks are sections of the disk that data can no
longer be read from or written to. A DVAS array
automatically remaps single bad blocks to a spare
blocks portion of the disk when using a parity-
protected RAID level. However, if two bad blocks are
discovered at once, that block of data is lost. This is
most likely to happen during a rebuild, or when one
disk is missing and another disk has a media error. In
general, bad blocks are unlikely to occur.
This page shows the number of bad blocks for each
drive. If there are bad blocks present, their location
can be viewed by clicking Details (in the right-hand
Figure 24 Network Statistics
Figure 25 Bad Blocks
Information Description
Collisions Counter of packet collisions when two network
devices transmit at the same time.
FIFO errors Counter of DMA (Direct Memory Access)
transfer errors when loading the FIFO (First In
First Out buffer) on the Network IC.
Carrier errors Counter of errors from the data carrier signal
due to being outside the limits or lost during
Window errors Counter of times the Network IC runs out of
FIFO space.
Overflow errors Counter of times the Network IC runs out of
FIFO space.
Length errors Counter of packets less than 64bytes or greater
than 1518bytes.
CRC errors Counter of packets with bad CRC (cyclic
redundancy check); count increases when a
packet containing corrupt data is received.
Frame errors Counter of frame alignment errors caused by a
frame without the correct number of bytes, but
still within the length limit.