38 en | On-Screen Display (OSD) Menus (Bosch Protocol) MIC612 Thermal Camera
F.01U.249.416 | 2.0 | 2012.09 Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
6.1 Camera Setup Menu
The Camera Setup Menu contains settings that can be changed/customized for the optical
(visible) camera.
White Bal
Maintains proper color reproduction (white balance) as the color temperature of a scene
changes (for example, from daylight to fluorescent lighting).
Gain Control
Electronically brightens darker scenes which may cause graininess in low light scenes.
Options: Auto (default setting), OFF.
Max Gain Level
Adjusts the maximum gain level to which the gain control adjusts when set to AUTO.
Sliding scale: –(1 to 6)+ (1=8db, 2=12db, 3=16db, 4=20db, 5=24db, 6=28db)
Default setting: 6 (for 28x camera); 4 (for 36X camera).
Adjusts the sharpness level of the picture.
Sliding scale: –(1 to 16)+. Default setting: 8
Camera Setup
* White Bal: EXT ATW
* Gain Control: AUTO
* Max Gain Level: 6 (4**)
* Sharpness: 12
* Backlight Comp: OFF
* Shutter Mode: Auto SensUP
* Shutter: 1/60
* Auto SensUP Max: 15x
*Night Mode: AUTO
* Night Mode Color: OFF
* Night Mode Threshold: 55
*Pre-Comp: 1
Stabilization: ON
Restore Defaults...
* = Factory Setting
Focus / Iris: Select
Option Description
ATW (Default setting) Adjusts camera color constantly.
Indoor W.B. Optimizes camera color for typical indoor conditions.
Outdoor W.B. Optimizes camera color for typical outdoor conditions.
AWB Hold Sets the camera's color settings for the current scene.
Extended ATW Adjusts camera color using extended range.
Manual Allows users to adjust the Red and Blue gain. Sliding scale: –(1 to 100)+
Outdoor Auto Automatically adjusts camera color in outdoor scenes.
Sodium Lamp Auto Automatically adjusts camera color in scenes with sodium vapor lighting.
Sodium Lamp Allows users to adjust color in scenes with sodium vapor lighting.