62 en | Advanced Features MIC612 Thermal Camera
F.01U.249.416 | 2.0 | 2012.09 Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
10 Advanced Features
This chapter details advanced user commands, which are more complicated than those in
Section 9 Common User Commands, page 59.
10.1 Alarm Rules
The MIC612 features a powerful alarm rule engine. In its simplest form, an alarm rule defines
those inputs that activate specific outputs. In its more complex form, a rule can be
programmed to take any combination of inputs and keyboard commands to perform a camera
function. There are numerous combinations of alarm inputs and outputs that can be
programmed into twelve (12) alarm rules.
10.1.1 Controlling Alarm Rules
The AUX 69 command allows a user to enable or disable all alarm rules. By default, alarm rules
are enabled until the OFF-69-ENTER command is issued from a keyboard (there is no
corresponding menu item for this command). Disabling alarms rules does not erase the rule,
the MIC612 preserves the user-defined settings and the rule data is restored when the ON-69-
ENTER command is issued.
The OFF-69-ENTER command performs the following actions:
– Disables all alarm rules
– Displays the message “Ack and Reset Alarms” if an alarm-rule triggered alarm is active
when the MIC612 receives the disable command. You must acknowledge the alarm
before the rule is disabled.
– Prevents the modification of an alarm rule while disabled.
10.1.2 Alarm Rule Examples
Following are two examples for setting up alarm rules.
Example 1: Basic Alarm Rule
Scenario: We want a door alarm contact to:
1. Flash an OSD message (***ALARM 1***) on the display when the alarm is triggered.
2. Move the MIC612 camera to a saved position. (For this example, Shot 7.)
3. Transmit a Bilinx signal over the coax cable to the headend system, such as an Allegiant,
to trigger an alarm response.
The sequence to program the above alarm rule example is as follows:
1. Wire the door contact to Input 1 in the MIC612. This circuit is normally open.
2. Define the Alarm Input(s): From the Inputs Setup menu, ensure that Alarm Input 1 is set
to N.O. (the default setting for Input 1).
3. Define the Alarm Outputs:
a. From the Outputs Setup menu, ensure that Output 5 is set to OSD (the default
setting for Output 5).
b. Set Output 6 to Shot 7.
c. Set Output 7 to Transmit (a Bilinx signal to the head end).
4. Set up the Alarm Rule by selecting the Inputs and Outputs from the Rule Setup menu:
a. Select Rule 1.
b. Set the first input to Alarm Input 1.
c. Set the first output to OSD.
d. Set the second output to Shot 7.
e. Set the third output to Transmit.
5. Enable the Alarm Rule: Highlight Enabled and select YES.