Because the precise feel of the Boulder 865’s volume control may be
different than you are used to, we recommend starting the source device
so that an audio signal is fed to the 865 before increasing the volume.
The display will show “VOLUME INFINITE” to indicate maximum
attenuation or no sound. By placing a finger at the edge of the rotating
control and moving it slowly so it turns in a clockwise direction, the
volume will increase and an indication such as “VOLUME - 40.0dB” in
the display will show the respective volume.
At this point you should be listening to music. Each volume step is
a change of 0.5 dB.
WARNING: The volume control must be given the respect you would
any other volume control with the ability to get loud very quickly.
WARNING: If the input is programmed to be in “THEATER
MODE,” then the volume control will have no effect. This mode is only
for use when there is a surround sound processor with a volume control
ahead of the 865.
For more information, see THEATER MODE in the programming
section on page 4-5.