9A426-01/9A426-02 Module Specific Information
If there are currently no active ELANs, then all choices on the ATM Specific
Configuration Screen will result in the message “No ACTIVE ELAN present”. You
can only access the Connection Table screen and the LEC Administration screen.
You cannot access the LEC Properties screen, since there is no information.
Max MTU Size (Toggle)
The maximum data frame size that this client will use the next time it returns to
the Initial State. Use the Space Bar to select one of the following choices:
• 1516 (default)
• 4544
LAN Type (Toggle)
The data frame format this LEC is using currently. Use the Space Bar to select one
of the following choices:
• 802.3 (default)
• 802.5
LES ATM Address
The LES this client will use the next time it is started in manual configuration
ELAN: (Modifiable)
Selects the ELAN for which attributes are to be displayed.
To select another ELAN, use the arrow keys to highlight the ELAN: field (bottom
left corner of the screen), then press the Space Bar.
PORT #: (Toggle)
Selects a specific ATM port.
To select another port (if applicable), use the arrow keys to highlight the PORT #:
field (bottom left corner of the screen), then press the Space Bar.
Adding an ELAN
To add an ELAN:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight CREATE, then press the Return key.
2. Use the arrow keys to move to the ELAN Name field.
Remember, while we support just a single ELAN, you cannot create a new ELAN
unless all current ELANs have been deleted.