
9A426-01/9A426-02 Module Specific Information
LEC Properties Screen Fields
The following information briefly explains each LEC Properties Screen field.
LECS ATM Address
Displays the ATM address of the LECS (if it is known), or the empty string.
LECS Configuration Direct VPI/VCI
A bi-directional, point to point connection set up by the LEC to get configuration
information and the ATM address of the LES.
LEC ATM Address
Displays the ATM address of this LEC entry.
Displays the two-byte ID assigned to this LEC by the LES.
LES ATM Address
Displays the LES address for the ELAN of which this client is a member.
LES Control Direct VPI/VCI
A bi-directional, point to point VPI/VCI used by the LEC to issue LE_ARP
requests and can be used by the LES to forward LE_ARP replies. This connection
is maintained for the duration of the LECs participation in the ELAN.
LES Control Distribute VPI/VCI
An optional point to multi-point, or point to point connection. The LES uses this
to forward LE_ARP requests that it cannot process. This connection is maintained
for the duration of the LECs participation in the ELAN.
BUS ATM Address
Displays the ATM address of the Broadcast and Unknown Server or LAN
Emulation Client whose MAC address is stored in ‘leArpMacAddress’.
BUS Multicast Send VPI/VCI
A bi-directional, point to point VPI/VCI used by the LEC to send broadcast,
multicast and unknown unicast traffic to the BUS. This connection is maintained
for the duration of the LECs participation in the ELAN.
BUS Multicast Forward VPI/VCI
A point to multi-point or a unidirectional point to point VPI/VCI from the BUS to
each LEC. It is used by the BUS to forward traffic received from the LECS.