Switch Hardware
The alarm relay contacts are normally closed when there is no power to the
switch. The user can attach alarm circuits to these contacts to trigger an exter-
nal alarm in the case of an alarm condition on the switch.
The user can define AL1 and AL2 as major and minor alarm indicators and
can display which condition is alarming through the use of AMI. For more
information, please refer to the alarm configuration section in Appendix B,
AMI Configuration Commands, in the Cabletron ATM Switch Configuration
Table 3.7 - Alarm Relay Contact Status During Major and Minor Alarms
NOTE: In Table 1.7, “Jumped” indicates that the cir-
cuit between the indicated pins has been
closed (i.e., an external alarm would be trig-
gered if connected to the pins).
Condition Pins 1 and 2 Pins 3 and 4
Switch Powered OFF Jumped Jumped
During Boot Indeterminate Indeterminate
Normal Operation Open Open
Minor Alarm Only Jumped Open
Major Alarm Only Open Jumped
Major and Minor Alarms Jumped Jumped