Hardware Maintenance Procedures
5.2 Power Supply Module Replacement
The power supplies in the SFCS-200BX and the SFCS-1000 are hot-swappable,
meaning that they can be removed/replaced without having to shut down
the switch.
WARNING! DO NOT attempt to replace a power supply
module without reading this section. Serious
injury to the user or damage to the equipment
may result if proper replacement procedures
are not followed.
5.2.1 SFCS-200BX Power Supply Module Replacement Replacing an SFCS-200BX AC Power Supply
The procedure for hot-swapping an SFCS-200BX AC power supply module is
as follows:
WARNING! To reduce risk to the user and to prevent dam-
age to the equipment, it is recommended that
you use the included grounding strap when
handling this or any other component.
NOTE: A replacement AC power supply will not
function in a DC-equipped SFCS-200BX, and
vice-versa. However, no damage will result if
this occurs.
1. Determine which power supply is defective by examining the
power supplies themselves. A red LED or an extinguished LED
indicates the failed supply. Power supply “1” is on the left-hand
side of the unit, and power supply “2” is on the right-hand side
(while facing the front of the unit).