" Warning: Real constant underflowed to zero"
This warning message is displayed when the value of a real constant is so small that it can not be
represented by any non-zero real number, and as a result was converted to zero (0.0).
" Warning: Implementation limit exceeded (range of variant selector)"
This warning message is displayed when the range of a record's variant selector is larger than the largest
range supported by Irie Pascal. NOTE: Variant selectors determine which variant of a variant record is
active. Currently Irie Pascal limits the range of possible values of variant selectors to 1024.
" Warning: Statement label is greater than 9999"
This warning message is displayed when the value of a statement label is greater than the limit set by
Standard Pascal.
" Warning: ? is never used"
This warning message is displayed when your program declares a label, constant, type, variable,
function, or procedure, but does not use it.
" Warning: Record has no fields"
This warning message is displayed when a record is declared without any fields.
" Warning: 'otherwise' can never be used"
This warning message is displayed when one of the following occurs:
otherwise is used in a variant record but all the possible values of the variant selector have already
been linked to a variant, and therefore the variant linked to otherwise can never become active.
For example
t = record case a : boolean of
true : ( x : integer);
false: ( y : char);
(z : boolean)
will generate this warning, because the variant selector a can have only two values (true and
false), and these values are linked to the first two variants ( x : integer) and ( y : char), and
therefore the third variant (z : boolean) can never become active.
otherwise is used in a case statement but all the possible values of the case index have already
been linked to one of the case list element, and therefore the case list element linked to
otherwise can never be executed.
" Warning: Invalid compiler directive"
This warning message is displayed when a compiler directive is unkown or has a syntax error.