Home Page - This menu entry takes you to the home page of the Irie Tools website.
Irie Pascal Page - This menu entry takes you to the main Irie Pascal page on the Irie Tools
Common Gateway Interface - This menu entry takes you to the Common Gateway Interface
section of the Irie Tools website.
View FAQ - This menu entry takes you to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Irie
Tools website.
Send Feedback - This menu entry allows you to give your feedback using the Irie Tools website.
Support Page - This menu entry takes you to the Irie Pascal support section of the Irie Tools
website Context menu
When you right-click in a text editor file window, a pop-up menu is displays which allows you to perform
actions on the current file. The pop-up menu is shown below:
Cut - This menu entry is used to move selected text from the current file into the Windows
Clipboard (see moving a section of text). NOTE: If there is no selected text in the current file,
then this menu entry is disabled (it will appear greyed out).
Copy - This menu entry is used to copy selected text from the current file into the Windows
Clipboard (see copying a section of text). NOTE: If there is no select text in the current file, then
this menu entry is disabled (it will appear greyed out).
Paste - This menu entry is used to copy text from the Windows Clipboard into the current file (see
moving a section of text and copying a section of text). NOTE: If there is no text in the Windows
Clipboard then this menu entry is disabled (it will appear greyed out).
Clear - This menu entry is used to delete selected text from the current file (see selecting a section
of text and deleting a section of text). NOTE: If there is no selected text in the current file, then
this menu entry is disabled (it will appear greyed out).
Find... - This menu entry displays the Find dialog box from the Windows Common Dialog Box
Library, which is used to search for text in the current file.
Replace... - This menu entry displays the Replace dialog box from the Windows Common Dialog
Box Library, which is used to search for and replace text in the current file.
Find Again - This menu entry is used to repeat a previous search for text in the current file
Goto Line... - This menu entry displays the Goto Line dialog box which allows you to move to a
particular line in the current file.
Print... - This menu entry displays the Standard Print dialog box from the Windows Common
Dialog Library, which gives you a chance to set printer options and print some or all of the current
Save - This menu entry saves the current file, and depending on the setting of the Create backup
file Environment Project Option a backup copy of the original contents of the file may be created.
If the file being saved is new, and has never been saved before, then this menu entry works like
the Save As menu entry described next.