Editing Tasks
The details of a registered task can be edited.
To Edit a Task...
1. In the Task View, select the task to be edited
by clicking on its name, then choose “Edit
Task” from the Task menu.
Or, double-click on the task to be edited.
To delete a registered task, choose “Delete Task” from
the Task menu.
Executing and Canceling Tasks
Executing a Task
Registered tasks are executed automatically according to pre-determined schedule when “Enable
this setting” is selected at Task Settings. If you want a task to be executed immediately, select the
desired task on the Task View and choose “Execute now” from the Task menu.
2. As with procedure to add a new task, change
all desired items and click the “OK” button.
Viewing Recorded Pictures
Canceling a Task
To disable a registered task, clear “Enable this setting” at Task Settings. To abort the execution of
a task, in the Task View, click on the task to be aborted, and choose Abort in the Task menu.