Installing VB Administration Tools
Install VB Administration Tools from the CD-ROM supplied with the VB-C10/VB-C10R.
3. Perform the installation following instructions on the screen.
4. Complete installation.
When installation is complete, two icons are created on the desktop: “VB Admin Tools” and
“Admin Viewer”.
1. Turn on the power to the PC.
If power to the PC is already on and Windows is running, exit all other applications before
installing VB Administration Tools.
2. Insert the CD-ROM supplied with the VB-C10/VB-C10R into the PC’s CD-ROM
drive, and follow the procedure below.
1 Double-click “My Computer” on the desktop.
When using Windows XP, click on the “Start” button, then click “My Computer”.
2 When the CD-ROM icon appears, double-click this icon, then double-click “AdmSetup exe.”
Also, When [Program]-[WebView Livescope] is selected from
the Start menu, two shortcuts are created in the same way.
VB Administration Tools require that Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later be installed.