k S
SHT Mode Command Reference
This section provides details about the function and syntax of each command, as well as
practical examples of how to use them. Note that you can omit anything enclosed in brackets
([ ]) in the Syntax of each command.
u CellIf(
Function: Returns expression 1 when the equation or inequality is true, and expression 2
when it is false.
Syntax: CellIf( equation, expression 1, expression 2 [ ) ]
CellIf( inequality, expression 1, expression 2 [ ) ]
Example: If the value in cell A1 is greater than the value in cell B1, input the value of cell A1
into cell A2. Otherwise, input the value of cell B1 into cell A2.
u CellMin(
Function: Returns the lowest value contained in the range of specifi ed cells.
Syntax: CellMin( start cell : end cell [ ) ]
Example: To determine the lowest value in the block whose upper left corner is located at
A3 and whose lower right corner is located at C5, and input the result in cell A1:
SHT Mode Commands