
Error Message Table
1 Error Message Table
Message Meaning Countermeasure
Syntax ERROR • Illegal syntax
Attempt to input an illegal
Press J to display the error
and make necessary corrections.
Ma ERROR Calculation result exceeds the
display range.
Calculation is outside the input
range of a function.
Mathematical error (division by
zero, etc.)
Suffi cient precision could not be
obtained for Σ calculation,
differential calculation, etc.
Solution could not be obtained
for equation calculation, etc.
Check input values and make
corrections to ensure that values
are within allowable limits.
1 No corresponding Lbl
n for
Goto n.
2 No program stored in program
area Prog ”fi le name”.
1 Correctly input a Lbl n to corres-
pond to the Goto n , or delete the
Goto n if not required.
2 Store a program in program area
Prog ”fi le name”, or delete the
Prog ”fi le name” if not required.
Nesting of subroutines by Prog
”fi le name” exceeds 10 levels.
Ensure that Prog ”fi le name” is
not used to return from
subroutines to main routine. If
used, delete any unnecessary
Prog ”fi le name”.
Trace the subroutine jump
destinations and ensure that no
jumps are made back to the
original program area. Ensure
that returns are made correctly.
Stack ERROR Execution of calculations that
exceed the capacity of the stack
for numeric values or stack for
Simplify the formulas to keep
stacks within 10 levels for the
numeric values and 26 levels for
the commands.
Divide the formula into two or
more parts.