PART 6 Data Communications
To send one Telephone Directory, Memo Mode, To Do Mode, or
Reminder Mode item
1. In the Telephone Directory, Memo Mode, To Do Mode, or Reminder Mode,
FUNC twice to display the second function menu.
• You can perform the following operation while in the open memory area or the
secret memory area.
2. Press
4 to select DATA COMM.
3. Press
1 to select SEND.
4. Press
1 to select ONE ITEM.
5. Press K or L to show an index display of items stored in memory.
• Pressing L starts the index display from the top of the data items, while
pressing K starts from the bottom.
• You could also use initial character search or mode search to locate the data
you want to send.
6. Use K and L to scroll through the index display until the item you want to
send is located in the top line.
7. Press
DISP CHNG to switch to the data display of the selected item.
8. Press
SET to start the send operation or ESC to abort the operation without
sending anything.
• To abort the send operation at any time, press
• If an error occurs during the send operation, the message “TRANSMIT
ERROR!” appears on the display. Press
ESC to clear the error message.
9. To interrupt a data transfer operation, press
To send one Schedule Keeper or Expense Mode entry
1. Enter the Schedule Keeper or Expense Mode.
2. If you are in the Schedule Keeper, press
FUNC twice. In the Expense Mode,
FUNC three times.
• You can perform the following operation while in the open memory area or the
secret memory area.
3. Press
4 to select DATA COMM.
4. Press
1 to select SEND.
5. Press
1 to select ONE ITEM.
6. Use index search, initial character search, or mode search to find the
Schedule Keeper item you want to send.
• You cannot perform mode search or initial character search in the Expense
Mode. You can use Index Search only.