Setting Up the SF Unit
To select a mode
Press one of the mode keys to select the mode you want.
In cases where two modes are assigned to the same key, each press of a key
toggles between the two modes.
TEL Telephone Directory Mode for storage of telephone
numbers, names, addresses, and six user-definable
MEMO/TO DO • Memo Mode for storage of unformatted data in a
kind of electronic notebook.
• To Do Mode for storage of reminders of things to do.
You can affix a check mark to items as you complete
them, and even note the date that you check them.
HOME/WORLD Home Time/World Time Modes for display of the cur-
rent time in your hometown and other locations around
the globe. For example, you can set New York as your
home time and London as the world time.
EXP/REM • The Expense Mode lets you store expense data,
including payment date, payment method, descrip-
tion, etc. You can also produce total for a specific
period of time.
• Reminder Mode to create reminders and alarms for
annual, monthly, and daily events.
SCHEDULE Schedule Keeper Mode for storage of appointments
scheduled for specific dates and times, and setting of
Schedule Alarms to remind you of your appointments.
CALENDAR Displays any monthly calendar from January 1901
through December 2099.
s CAL/CONV • Calculator Mode for basic calculations with the touch
of a key.
• The Conversion Mode lets you select between
general conversion and euro conversion.