
User Guide for the Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM) Traffic Analyzer, 5.0
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Analysis
Response Time
Note If you do not specify any application, the chart will show the network time instead of transaction time.
The Other Metrics chart allows you to see information about the network link between sites, after you
have selected the desired metrics from the “Metric1” and “Metric2” drop-down.
The Top Clients and Top Servers charts will show you the top clients and servers that are communicating
through the network link (in bytes).
Server Response Time
Choose the Client Site and Server Site from the Interactive Report on the left, and enter the IP address
for the server that you want to analyze. The Server Transaction Time Composition chart will display the
network time, server response time, data time, and transaction time.
The Other Metrics chart allows you to see information about the server performance after you have
selected the desired metrics from the “Metric1” and “Metric2” drop-down.
Top Client shows you top client talking to the server you have selected; Server Top Clients Sites shows
the top client sites. (traffic bytes)
Client Response Time
After entering the client IP address and application in the Interactive Report Filter, you can analyze the
transaction time of that client in the Client Transaction Time Composition chart.
The Other Metrics chart allows you to see client performance over time after you have selected the
desired metrics from the “Metric1” and “Metric2” drop-down.
The Clients Top Applications chart show you the applications being used the most by the client selected,
and the Top Servers chart show you the servers being used most by the client.
Client-Server Response Time
After you enter the client IP address and server IP address in the Interactive Report, you can analyze the
transaction times between the client and server you have selected in the Client-Server Transaction
Composition Over Time chart.
The Other Metrics chart allows you to see Client-Server transaction information after you have selected
the desired metrics from the “Metric1” and “Metric2” drop-down.
Server Application Responses
The Server Application Responses Table displays when you choose Analyze > Response Time >
Detailed Views > Server Application Responses.
If you click on a row of data, you can then choose “Response Time Details” to see more information.