
Cisco ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, and ONS 15310-MA SDH Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R9.1 and R9.2
Appendix A Command Reference for the ML-Series Card
interface spr 1
interface spr 1
Use this command to create a shared packet ring (SPR) interface on an ML-Series card for a resilient
packet ring (RPR). If the interface has already been created, this command enters spr interface
configuration mode. The only valid spr interface number is 1.
Defaults N/A
Command Modes Global configuration
Usage Guidelines The command allows the user to create a virtual interface for the RPR/SPR. Commands such as
spr wrap or spr station-id can then be applied to the RPR through SPR configuration command mode.
Examples The following example creates the shared packet ring interface:
ML_Series(config)# interface spr 1
Related Commands spr-intf-id
spr station-id
spr wrap