
IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum
deposits from forming in essential fuel system
parts such as carburetor, fuel filter,fuel hose,
or tank during storage. Also, experience
indicates that alcohol blended fuels (called
gasohol or using ethanol or methanol) can
attract moisture which leads to separ'_on and
formation of acids during storage. Ac'_lic gas
can damage the fuel system of an engine
while in storage.
Drain the fuel tank.
Start the engine and let it run untilthe fuel
lines and carburetor are empty.
Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
products in the fuel tank or permanent
damage may occur.
Use fresh fuel next season.
NOTE: Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable
aitemative in minimizing the formation of fuel
gum deposits during storage. Add stabilizer
to gasoline in fuel tank or storage container.
Always follow the mix ratio found on stabilizer
container. Run engine at least 10 minutes
after adding stabilizer to allow the stabilizer to
reach the carburetor. Do not drain the gas
tank and carburetor if using fuel stabilizer.
Drain oil (with engine warm) and replace with
clean engine oil. (See "ENGINE" in the
Maintenance section of this manual).
Removespa p g.
Pour one ounce(29 mi) ofoilthrough spark
plug hole into cylinder.
Pullstarterhandle slowlya few timesto
Replace with new spark plug.
Disconnect the battery from the engine
connector and charge battery 48 hours.
Do notstoregasolinefrom one season to
Replace your gasolinecan if your can
startsto rust. Rustend/or dirtinyour
gasolinewill cause problems.
If,possible,store yourunit indoorsend
coverittogive protectionfromdustend dirt.
Cover your unitwitha suitableprotective
coverthat does not retainmoisture. Do not
use plastic. Plasticcannotbreathe which
allowscondensationtoform and will cause
yourunitto rust.
IMPORTANT: Never cover mower while
engine and exhaust areas are still warm.
_CAUTION: Never store the lawn
mower""with gasoline in the tank inside a
building where fumes may reach an open
flame or spark. Allow the engine to cool
before storing inany enclosure.