
Yourlawnmower is shippedwithoutog inthe
Be sum mower is level and area aroundoil
Remove engine oilcap and tifftothe full
fineonthe dipstick.
NOTE: Allowoilto settledown intoenginefor
accurate dipstk_ reeding.
Engineholds 20 ozs. of oil. Fortypeand
grade ofoil to use, see =ENGINE"in
Maintenancesectionof thismanual.
Pouroil slowly. Do notover fill
Check oHlevelboforeeach use. Addoilif
needed. Fillto full 5neon dipstick.
To read properlevel,tighten engineoilcap
each time.
Reinstallengine o_1cap and tighton.
Change the oil afterevery 25 hoursof
operationor each seeson. You may need
tochange the oilmere oftenunderdusty,
dirty conditions.
Fill fuel tank. Use fresh, clean, regular
unleaded gasoline with a minimum of
87 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline.
Purchase fu_l in quantities that can be
used within 30 days to assure fuel
_oARNING: Experienceindicatesthat
blended fuels (calledgasoholor
usingathanol or methanel) can attrect
moisturewhichleads to separationand
formationof acidsdudngstorage. Addicges
can damage the fuel system of an engine
whileinstorage. To avoidengine problems,
the fuel systemshould be emptiedbefore
storageof 30 daysorlonger. Drainthe fuel
tank,startthe engine end letit rununtilfuel
lfnseand carburatorare empty. Usefroshfuel
nextseeson. See Storage Instructionsfor
additionalinfom_tion. Never use engine or
carburetordeaner productsin fueltank or
penxenent damage may occur.
To start a cold engine, push primer five
(5) times before trying to start. Use a
firm push. This step is not usually
necessary when starting an engine
which has already run for a few
Hold operator presence control bar
down to the handle and pull starter
handle quickly, Do not allow starter
rope to snap back.
To stop engine, release operator
presence control bar.
NOTE: In cooler weather it may be
necessary to repeat priming steps. In
warmer weather over priming may caus_
flooding and engine will not start. If you
do flood engine, wait a few minutes
before attempting to start and do not
repeat priming steps.
Engine oil cap
Under certain conditions, such as ver_
tall grass, it may be necessary to raise
the height of cut to reduce pushing
effort and to keep from overloading thq
engine and leaving clumps of grass
clippings. It may also be necessary to
reduce ground speed and/or run the
lawn mower over the area a second
For extremely heavy cutting, reduce tt
width of cut by overlapping previously
cut path and mow slowly.
For better grass bagging and most
cutting conditions, the engine speed
should be set in the fast position.
For side discharge lawn mowers,
cutting in a counter-clockwise directio
starting at the outside of the area to b_
cut, spreads grass clippings more
evenly and puts less load on the
engine. To keep clippings off of
walkways, flower beds, etc., make the
first cuts in a clockwise direction.
Pores in cloth grass catchers can
become filled with dirt and dust with
use and catchers will collect less gras
To prevent this, regularly hose catche
off with water and let dry before using
Keep top of engine around starter cle
and clean of grass clippings and chaf
This will help engine air flow and
extend engine life.