The Digital Signal Processor:
Crate’s Digital Signal Processing offers 16 exciting digital effects, accessible through the DSP
Mode control. The effects are described below.
Channel T
Your Crate GLX1200H amplifier gives you the power of Channel Tracking! Once you select a
DSP setting for each channel, Channel Tracking recalls those DSP settings automatically – with-
out changing the DSP controls! For example:
• Select the Clean channel. Set the DSP Mode to “8”
(slow deep flange w/reverb)
• Select the Overdrive channel, Gain 1. Set the DSP Mode to “10” (slow tremolo chorus w/reverb)
(the setting for the Clean channel is now saved to memory)
• Select the Overdrive channel, Gain 2. Set the DSP Mode to “14” (touch wah)
(the setting for the Overdrive channel, Gain 1 is now saved to memory)
• Reselect the Clean channel
(the setting for the Overdrive channel, Gain 2 is now saved to memory)
Now when you go back to the Clean channel, even though the DSP Mode was last set to Touch
Wah, Channel Tracking automatically recalls the last setting for the Clean channel – in this exam-
ple, Slow Flange with Reverb. Change to the Overdrive channel, Gain 1, and Slow Tremolo
Chorus w/Reverb is recalled. Change to the Overdrive channel, Gain 2, and Touch Wah is
recalled. That’s the power of Channel Tracking!
(Note: Even when the power is turned off, Channel Tracking still retains the settings – until you change them!)
Guitar Amplifier with
& ChannelTracking
any of the 16 built-in digital effects.
desired amount of each effect.