PowerConnect 6224/6224F/6224P/6248/6248P Release Notes
System Firmware Version Page 19
Description User Impact Resolution
Cannot enter Daylight Saving
Time from Web interface.
In summer time configuration page, in
recursive mode, clock zone field is not
accepting valid range.
In summer time configuration page,
in recursive mode, added
appropriate regular expression in
Error message when changing
SNTP Server Priority from
Web interface.
When priority is set through Web interface
for SNTP Server, and no encryption key is
configured, the system returns an error
Upon setting the priority to SNTP
server when no encryption key is
configured, the key is now submitted
to the switch.
Custom Protocol VLAN shows
incorrect VLAN ID.
VLAN protocol group if configured for
custom protocol using ethertype did not
display the VLAN id in the Switching >
VLAN > ProtocolGroup web page.
Made modifications to the Switching
> VLAN > ProtocolGroup web page
in order to resolve the issue.
NIM_events prints unknown
Unknown characters being displayed are
for the interface name.
<190> MAY 26 05:57:54
NIM[99904544]: nim_events.c(603) 367
%% Component NIM generated interface
event Unknown Port Event (39) for
interface ?j?????? (639).
Properly initialized the variable.
VLAN protocol groups not
visible in GUI.
Cannot select the protocol group on the
Switching > VLAN > ProtocolGroup web
Display the group IDs in the list and
corresponding group name below it.
Second protocol group not
shown in OpenManage GUI.
In protocol-based VLAN Show All page,
configured interfaces were not displayed
properly. Web page affected Switching >
VLAN > Protocol Group Table.
Corrected the display of the
Adding VLAN range issues.
1. When adding a range of VLANs
to VLAN Database from Web
Interface, an error message is
returned when no name is
2. VLAN range is limited to 4
characters preventing adding
certain ranges.
1. Corrected the error
handling for this scenario.
2. Increased the maximum
length to 250 such that a
comma separated VLAN
list can be configured.
Switch gives error message
when entered upper case letter
for interface value.
On the interface ethernet CLI command,
switch gives error message when entering
interface names in upper case letters.
String is converted to lower case
before processing.
Custom Protocol-based VLAN
does not display configurable
ethertype value.
Valid range of supported ethertypes is not
mentioned in CLI help.
Add supported range in CLI help.
Captive Portal login does not
display error message for
invalid credentials.
Captive Portal user can get confused
since the login failure is not reported
Implemented logic that verifies the
session state.
OpenManage Web UI shows
invalid MAC address (all 0s) in
ARP table.
Configuring Proxy ARP results in the ARP
Table web page displaying the MAC
address as all zeros.
Corrected the output of the MAC
Address in the ARP Table to be the
same as the Dynamic Address
Table web page.
Unable to authenticate a client
when radius server is given a
User authentication does not happen
when there is no default radius server.
The switch was assuming that the
default named radius server will
always be present. Therefore, when
no default named server is present
the switch will attempt to send it to
the next valid radius server.