PowerConnect 6224/6224F/6224P/6248/6248P Release Notes
System Firmware Version Page 25
Known Issues
Summary User Impact Workaround
Non-configuration file
getting loaded to
startup-config through
When the switch reboots and attempts to
read an invalid start-up configuration file, it
will give up and create a default startup
It is recommended that all users keep
backups of their configuration files.
TACACS operation User cannot enter Privileged EXEC mode
without using the enable command.
Ping fails with 33% to
100% packet loss
Using a Windows 7 client and pinging with a
59900 byte packet will result in packet loss.
OSPF Dead interval
expires on neighbor,
when the DUT stack
manager restarts with
large configuration.
In a large stack with an unusually large
configuration, it is possible that during an
unplanned failover, the control plane may
not issue OSPF grace LSAs before the dead
interval expires on neighbors. When this
happens, neighbors report the router down
and other routers in the area recomputed
OSPF routes to avoid the restarting order.
Increase the dead internal timer.
VLAN configuration is
not successful on
ports after detaching
them from LAG.
The issue is that any VLAN configuration
applied to a physical port while it is a
member of a LAG will not be applied when
the port leaves the LAG.
This is not a problem if VLAN configuration
is performed while the port is not a member
of a LAG. If the configuration is saved and
the switch is reset, the configuration is
applied correctly.
Issue with PBVLAN
The command vlan protocol group expected
a string in earlier versions; now it expects a
The software recognizes if the group name
is alphanumeric, however it will not work
when the name of the group is numeric (for
example 2, 3, etc.)
Read/write user is
getting read only
access when
method is used as
The user always gets Read-Only access if
using TACACS as a means for HTTP
authentication, even if the TACACS user is
Read/Write capable.
User can configure the same TACACS user
locally and use LOCAL authentication
method for HTTP. The user will be able to
get access based on this local user access
level (Read-write or Read-only).
TFTP gives no
reason for file
download failures.
Generic failure message. None.
CLI command stack-
port config rejection
does not display the
If a user enters an invalid interface, a
generic error message will be generated:
ERROR: Invalid input.
Banner MOTD: The
switches Console and
Web sessions are
inaccessible until the
user acknowledges
the banner of the day.
The current implementation of the MOTD
acknowledgement results in all user
interface sessions being inaccessible until
the user enters a response or the 30-second
timeout occurs. While the acknowledge
process is pending, it cannot process the
other UI sessions. Once the timeout occurs,
then the MOTD acknowledgement ends the
connection and resumes processing of the
other sessions.
Acknowledge the message to avoid the
session timeout.
DHCP server has
data changed flag set
after booting from
saved config.
If DHCP server is enabled, then the user
may be prompted to save configuration
changes even though no configuration
changes have been made.