Digicom S.p.A.
Manual rev.2.0
Pag. 12
Telephony Configuration
The voice information are displayed in this window, in particular:
Call Setting: defines the Voice working mode.
It can be set to work with the Gatekeeper or
with the internal address book.
Codec Selected: it allows to define the
priority list for the codec, when the codec is
set in Automatic. “1” indicates the main
H323 Alias: name used when registering at
the Gatekeeper.
Note: This String must be different for each
Phone Number: In this menu you assign the
number to the telephone lines. For each
number it is possible to activate the
management of the identifier (clir/clip
) and of
the Modem/fax.
In case the VoiceGATE is programmed in
“AdrressBook” mode, in the ”Phone Number”
field it is displayed the telephone number
present in the address book and it will be
possible to change it using the
“VoiceGateAddressBook” program only.
How to modify the phone number in Gatekeeper configuration?
Type the new telephone number in the Phone
Number field (e.g.1001), then type 1 in the Index
field (line1=index1) and select Modify in the field
next to Index.
Click on the submit field to confirm. In the Phone
number field it will appear the telephone number you