Digicom S.p.A.
Manual rev.2.0
Pag. 25
Configuration Example
Here is an example to use the VoiceGate and its configuration.
In teh following application there are two VoiceGATE (one in the main office and the other one
in the branch office) and no Gatekeeper is required. We will use the internal address book to
configurate the VoiceGate.
To set the device it is necessary to know the information concerning the company network
where you want to install the VoiceGate. In this example we will describe the configuration of
VoiceGATE1 will be connected to an ADSL router, that will act as a gateway for the connection
to the Internet network.
The used ADSL access supplies 8 public IP addresses. Five of them can be used: from to 149.
It is necessary to associate one of the five public IP addresses ( to the WAN
interface (Public Network Configuration). The LAN part (Private Network Configuration) will
be set with 192.168.30.x addresses.
To act on the configuration of a VoiceGate set with factory configuration, it is necessary to set
the PC Ethernet card with the address 192.168.2.x (see chapter VoiceGATE CONFIGURATION).
Here are the configuration windows where to insert the correct parameters: