
16. DreamUp – operating software update
You can obtain the DreamUp software and the operating software from
www.dm7000.de .
!!! Please study these instructions thoroughly
before you begin !!!
In order to connect the Dreambox with your computer, you need a PC with a
network card and a serial interface (COM1 or COM2), and a crossover patch
cable and a null modem cable. Alternatively, you can connect the PC with the
Dreambox, without a crossover patch cable, with a normal patch cable via
your router, hub or switch. If you do not have a patch cable, you can also
connect to the Dreambox with just a serial cable (uploads and downloads
take longer). In these instructions, we assume that create a connection with
the Dreambox over both interfaces, serial and Ethernet. If many questions
arise, ask your dealer for assistance, or contact our technical hotline at
Please remove all cables from your Dreambox.
Plug only the serial cable and the patch cable into
your Dreambox.
The power cable is unplugged.
How to find out the IP address of your computer under Windows (W98,
W2K, XP):
Click on Start -> Run -> type in the command „Command“ -> press return.
A DOS command window will open, Type in the command „ipconfig/all“ and
press return. The IP address of your computer will then be displayed.
Note down the IP address and the subnet mask (can´t do any harm).
16. DreamUp – operating software update
16. DreamUp – operating software update