
20. Glossary of terms
20. Glossary of terms
DVB - S / T / C
Digital Video Broadcasting. Transmission of video and sound signals in digital
form. DVB-S indicates satellite transmission, DVB-T terrestrial transmission
and DVB-C cable transmission. A project initiated in Europe which promotes
standardisation of satellite, terrestrial and cable transmission of digital televi-
sion signals. Numerous organisations and institutions participate in the DVB
project, now including many from countries outside Europe. Digital receivers
which are developed and manufactured in accordance with the DVB stan-
dards can be identified by bearing the DVB logo. Digital satellite receivers of
course bear this logo.
Digital Versatile Disc.
Electronic Programme Guide. The electronic programme guide shows you
information on the broadcast selected.
Entrance, gate. This is a computer which links two networks together. In the
more precise sense, it refers to connections between two different online
systems, e.g. CompuServe and the Internet, or between mailbox networks
(Fido, Maus ...) and the Internet.
The 2 should be a superscript (I squared). A bus which was developed by
Philips at the end of the 70´s for entertainment electronics. It was used as the
basis for the System Management Bus (SMB) and Display Data Channel
Integrated Drive Electronics. Type of hard disk in which the electronics for
controlling the mechanism etc. is integrated in the disk drive itself, and the
controller thus does not need to be involved in this, as previously with the AT.
It is rather primitive in comparison with SCSI, but also (somewhat) cheaper,
and has therefore become established.
Internet Protocol. Level 3 protocol in the TCP/IP communications standard. It
mediates data packets in “insecure” mode. THe Internet is based on this pro-