The cursor can be moved to any location on the screen, letting you pin-
point the depth of a target.
1. From the Sonar Page, press
2. The depth cursor appears. Press ↓ to lower the cursor line. Press ↑ to
raise the cursor line.
3. To clear the depth cursor, press
Depth Range - Automatic
When turned on for the first time, the bottom signal is placed in the
lower half of the screen. This is called Auto Ranging, an automatic
function. Depending on the bottom depth and the current range, you
can change the range to a different depth.
Sonar Page menu with Depth Range command selected (left). The
Depth Range Control Scale (right).
1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU|↓ to DEPTH RANGE|ENT.
2. The Depth Range Control Scale appears. Press ↑ ↓ to select a differ-
ent depth range. A blue bar highlights the selected range. Range num-
bers in light blue cannot be selected.
3. When the new range is selected, press
EXIT to clear the menu.
Depth Range - Manual
You have complete control over the range when the unit is in the man-
ual mode. There are 16 depth ranges, from 5 feet to 4,000 feet.
To switch to Manual Depth Range:
1. Turn off automatic depth range. From the Sonar Page, press MENU|↓
2. Press ↑ to
DEPTH RANGE|ENT and the Depth Range Scale appears.