The sonar's microcomputer is sophisticated, but it can be fooled. It can
not distinguish between fish and other suspended objects such as trot-
lines, turtles, submerged floats, air bubbles, etc. Individual tree limbs
extending outwards from a group of limbs is the hardest object for the
Fish I.D. feature to distinguish from fish.
You may see fish symbols on the screen when actually, there are no
fish. The reverse is also true. The images on the next page show how
Fish I.D. can actually miss fish that are present.
Does that mean Fish I.D. is broken? No. The feature is interpreting so-
nar returns in a specific way to help take some of the work out of read-
ing the screen. Remember: Fish I.D. is one of the many tools we provide
so you can analyze your sonar returns for maximum fish finding infor-
mation. This and other features can help you successfully see beneath
the boat under varied water and fishing conditions. So, practice with
the unit in both the Fish I.D. mode and without to become more famil-
iar with the feature. The default setting for Fish I.D. is off.
Sonar Features menu with Fish I.D. Symbols turned on.
To turn on the Fish I.D. feature:
1. From the Sonar Page, press
2. Press → to
To turn off Fish I.D., repeat these instructions.
The FishTrack feature shows the depth of a fish symbol when it ap-
pears on the display. This lets you accurately gauge the depth of tar-
gets. This feature is available only when the Fish I.D. feature is on. The
default setting for FishTrack is off.