
“Connecting to system....” and “Requesting unit type...”. If the GTI Configurator does not receive a response from
the GTI unit, the STATUS window will show the following additional statement: “ERROR: No response, resending
pkt.”. Each time the GTI Configurator tries and fails to establish contact, the STATUS window will show the
following additional statement: “ERROR: No response, resending pkt.”. If the GTI Configurator fails to establish
contact with the system after three attempts, the STATUS window will show the following additional statements:
“ERROR: Exceeded packet retries”, “Unit never detected”, “Logically Disconnected”, and (after a pause) “Fully
Disconnected”. If the GTI Configurator establishes contact with the system, it will briefly (if you blink you will miss
it) show the following two additional statements: “CONNECTED!” and “Ready to process commands”, and then
display the Interconnect Monitor screen. A sample Interconnect Monitor screen is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 - Interconnect Monitor Screen
5. The presence of the Interconnect Monitor screen means that the communications path is OK. You may now use it to
transfer user database parameters (such as System Config, Telco Config, and DID User Config information) to the
system, retrieve billing files from the system, and balance hybrids and set levels in the system. For more information
about these specific operations, see their respective sections later in this manual.
If the GTI Configurator fails to make contact with the GTI unit, try the following:
Check the cabling.
Check the COM port selection.
Verify that the interrupt jumpers for the COM port are set right: IRQ4 for COM1 or IRQ3 for COM2.