Execution errors
Error Description description/explanation/examples
Hardware missing Indicates that a legal program command or query
could not be executed because of missing counter
hardware; for example, an option was not installed.
Definition of what constitutes missing hardware is com
pletely device specific.
Hardware missing;
Media full Indicates that a legal program command or query
could not be executed because the media was full;
for example, there is no room on the disk. The defi
nition of what constitutes a full media is device spe
Media protected Indicates that a legal program command or query
could not be executed because the media was pro
tected; for example, the write-protect tab on a disk
was present. The definition of what constitutes pro-
tected media is device specific.
Expression error Indicates that an expression-program data-element-
related error occurred. This error message is used
when the counter cannot detect the more specific
errors described for errors –261 through –269.
Math error in ex-
Indicates that a syntactically correct expression pro-
gram data element could not be executed due to a
math error; for example, a divide-by-zero was at-
Macro error Indicates that a macro-related execution error oc
curred. This error message is used when the counter
cannot detect the more specific error described for er
rors –271 through –279.
Macro error; out of
name space
No room for any more macro names.
Macro error; out of
definition space
No room for this macro definition.
Macro syntax error Indicates that a syntactically correct macro program
data sequence, according to IEEE-488.2 10.7.2,
could not be executed due to a syntax error within
the macro definition (see IEEE-488.2,
Macro execution er
Indicates that a syntactically correct macro program
data sequence could not be executed due to some
error in the macro definition (see IEEE-488.2,
Error Messages
Error Code -241 to -272 8-9