
9-114 Command Reference
:TEST:CHECk PM6680B/81/85
8 <Boolean>
Select Check signal
This command connects the internal reference signal to the measuring logic, in
stead of an external measuring signal. This makes it possible to test all functions.
The frequency of the reference is 10 MHz for PM6680B and PM6685, and
100 MHz for PM6681.
<Boolean> =1/ON|0/OFF
1 and ON means test signal connected
0 and OFF means test signal disconnected.
Selecting channel 6 when entering measuring channel for :CONFigure :MEA
Sure, etc., also selects the reference.
Returned format: 1|0¿
*RST condition: 0
:TEST :SELect PM6680B/81/85
8 «RAM | ROM | LOGic | DISPlay | ALL»
Select Self-tests
Selects which internal self-tests shall be used when self-test is requested by the
*TST command.
Returned format:
«RAM | ROM | LOGic | DISPlay | ALL»¿
*RST condition: ALL