
Outbound Relationship Dialog Box Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 38
Instructs the system to check for duplicate document
If you manually import documents into the
Workspace, this function checks for duplicate
documents. Duplicate documents remain in the
Workspace until they are deleted. If you try to move
or post a duplicate document, a warning message is
displayed. If you use the Process Control import
feature to import documents, the duplicate
document is located in ?Out Documents.
If duplicate document checking is activated for a
relationship, the translation object used in this
relationship must update the document name via a
standard or extended rule.
See the Application Integration User's Guide for more
information about using standard and extended rules.
Test Indicator Specify if this relationship definition is in test or
production mode. The default value is production.
Save Saves the modified information.
Exit Exits the Outbound Relationship dialog box.
New Accesses the New Outbound Relationship dialog box,
which allows you to create a new relationship.
Delete Removes the specified outbound relationship from the
Translation Accesses the Outbound Translation Object Dialog Box.
Envelope Accesses one of the following Outbound Envelope
dialog boxes depending on which version you specified:
Outbound UNH Envelope
Outbound MHD Envelope
Outbound ST Envelope
Refer to the Partner Editor online help for specific
information about the envelope dialog boxes.
(Continued on next page)
Part Function