Initial Startup
24 311511G
Over Temperature Alarms
Both the fluid heater and the hose heat have over
temperature alarms that will turn off the heat zone if high
temperatures are detected. If this happens, the green
light in the switch for that heat zone will go out.
The fluid heater has a fixed temperature switch on the
aluminum heater that opens at 230 °F (110 °C) and
turns off the heat zone. The temperature switch will
automatically reset, but the heat zone will need to be
manually restarted. The over-temperature condition
should never happen unless the solid state relay
(165SSR) fails closed.
The hose heat uses the temperature controller alarm,
monitoring the hose thermocouple (FTS) to watch for
high temperature conditions. This alarm is controlled by
SP2 (Set Point 2) and is factory set for 30 °F (17 °C).
This means that the alarm set point is 30° (17 °C) over
the SP1 operating temperature set point. Under normal
conditions, the output 02 light will be lit on the hose
controller. This output holds the hose heat power
contact ON and lights the green light in the switch any
time power is available to heat the hose. If the hose
temperature reading is 30 °F (17 °C) (SP2 setting) over
the temperature set point (SP1), the output 02 light and
switch light will go out. Hose heat will only return after a
manual START of the control switch, after alarm
conditions are gone.
Fluid Heater Temperature Offset
The fluid heater has been calibrated to provide setpoint
temperature fluid under flow conditions. When the
machine is powered up and no heat has been turned on,
the heater display will read somewhat lower than the
hose display. This is normal. The hose display has no
offset and will always read the actual temperature at the
sensor in the hose.
Hose Heat Manual Mode
If the hose temperature controller does not see the Fluid
Temperature Sensor (FTS), it will shut off the hose heat
and give a flashing error alternating between:
SbEr = Sensor break error
H20.0 = Heat output 20%
The hose can be manually heated by turning the hose
back on with the hose switch and green light. The
up/down arrows can be used to adjust the default 20%
power output.
There is no monitoring or alarm in manual mode. You
must monitor the temperature by inserting a probe
thermometer inside the hose insulation against the
hose. The thermometer will read 10-20 °F less than
actual fluid temperature. Repair the temperature sensor
or cable as soon as possible to avoid damaging the
heated hose.
The hose heat deviation alarm is controlled by the SP2
setpoint. This is factory set to 30 °F (17 °C) and should
not be changed. A loss of alarm function and loss of
automatic over temperature shut-down could result.