Appendix A - Advanced Display Module (ADM)
3A2098H 103
Gateway Setup Screen 1 - PROFIBUS
This screen enables users to set the device address,
install date, location tag, function tag, and system
Gateway Setup Screen 2 - PROFIBUS
This screen is the same for EtherNet/IP and PROFI-
BUS. See Gateway Setup Screen 2 - EtherNet/IP,
page 102, for details.
Gateway Setup Screen 1 - PROFINET
This screen enables users to set the IP address, subnet
mask, Gateway, DNS 1, DNS 2, and if a DHCP is used.
Gateway Setup Screen 2 - PROFINET
This screen enables users to set the device address,
install date, location tag, function tag, and system
Gateway Setup Screen 3 - PROFINET
This screen enables users to view the following informa-
tion regarding the Gateway module used on the PCF
• hardware revision number
• system serial number
• map ID number
• map name
• map revision number
• date the map was created