3A2098H 43
3. Manually dispense material into the beaker. Hold
the beaker so that the stream of material is sub-
merged in the captured material to minimize air
entrapment in the container.
4. Record the volume dispensed on Fluid Plate x,
screen 1. See F
. 30 on page 43.
5. Settle the material into the beaker and view the
actual volume dispensed.
6. Calculate the new flow meter K-factor:
7. Enter new K-factor.
8. Repeat the procedure to verify the new K-factor.
Manually Adjust Control Loop Parameters
NOTE: It is recommended that these values not be
changed from the factory defaults of 32.00 for Kp,
128.00 for Ki, and 0.00 for Kd.
If the system is not maintaining the desired setpoint
while in pressure or bead control mode, manually
change the Kp and Ki values:
NOTE: Pressure parameters should be adjusted first,
even if you typically operate in bead control mode.
1. Begin dispensing material.
NOTE: Begin a new dispense each time control param-
eters are changed.
If the regulator outlet pressure does not closely fol-
low the desired pressure,
set Ki to zero then
increase Kp until the proper pressure control is
If the regulator outlet pressure oscillates rapidly
above and below the commanded pressure,
decrease Kp by 10%. Continue to decrease the Kp
value in 10% increments until the outlet pressure is
4. Set Ki value to 2 then increase the Ki value until the
system oscillates.
5. Decrease Ki until oscillation stops.
To fine tune the step response in pressure
mode, gradually increase the Kd value.
NOTE: Increasing Kd (pressure only) is typically not
necessary but it may improve step response. However
setting Kd too high may cause the system to oscillate.
7. Stop dispensing.
Dispense From Maintenance Screen
1. Navigate to Fluid Plate x, screen 1 for the desired
fluid plate.
2. Press to enter maintenance screen.
3. Press to open the Control Mode drop-down
list, and select the preferred control mode. Press
again to exit the drop-down list.
K-Factor (new) =
displayed volume (cc) x K-Factor (old)
dispensed volume (cc)
. 30
. 31