W asher does not operate:
Checkif unit is pluggedin. The plug mayhavecomeloose.
Checkif the electricalwall receptacleis of proper voltage.
Checkif the circuit breaker needsto bereset or if the fuse
needsto bereplaced.
Checkif the washer is overloaded:load mayneedto be
re-balancedand clothesmayneedto beredistributed.
Checkif the lid is open.You mayhaveto closethelid properly.
The washer pausesin somecycles.This is normalin delicateor
hand-washablecycle,which has short soak period where your clothes
are beingsoakedfor very short period of time.You will not hear washer
operationfor a short period of time.When the soak timeis over,
it will start automatically.
Pr oblems with water:
Not enoughwater comingout: W ater faucetmayneedto beturnedon
fully. W ater hosesmaybe tangledup or wrinkled up. Straighten up
hoses.Checkwater level selection,it mayneedto bereadjusted.
W ater Temperatureis incorrect:Checkyour water heatertemperature.
Hot water needsto beat a temperatureat least120 F. -140 F
(49 C 60 C.).Checkto makesure the inlet hosesare properly
connected.(e.g. hot to hot & coldto cold)
W ater leaks: This is dueto not properly installing drain hoseor fill
hoses.Your homedrain maybe cloggedor havingconstant
water pressure. You mayneedto tightenhoses,checkthe
plumbingor call a plumber.
W ater will not drain: This is dueto not installing your drain hose
properly. You mayneedto connectthe drain hoseproperly. Checkthe
position of thedrain hose.In order to drain properly, makesure thattop
of drain outletis less than 4 ft. (1.2 m) abovethe floor.