
W asher is making noise:
W asher mayneedto bereinstalled. (Checkwasher installation section)
W asher load mayneedto bere-balanced,as the loadmaybe uneven.
Coins, loosechange,buttonsor other heavyobjectscouldmakenoise
(read Operating Guide Nor mal Operating Sounds).
SquealingSound: Due to overloadedwash tub.
Vibration Noise: Due to not levelingwasher properly on thefloor and
unevendistribution of clothesin the tub.
Pr oblems with clothes:
Clothesare too wrinkled: this is dueto impropersorting, overloading
and washing in too hot water repeatedly. Avoid overloadingandresort
your load. Do not mix heavyclothessuchas work clotheswith light
clothessuchas blouses,light shir ts anddelicateitems.You mayneedto
wash in warm or coldwater.
Have soapresidue: detergentmay not bedissolving in water.
Checkwater temperatureor you needto adddetergentas wash
tub is beingfilled with water beforeyou load your clothesto avoid
soapresidue on clothes.
Spots or stains on your clothes:this is dueto incorrectuse of fabric
softener. You mayneedto read proper instructionson thecontainer
and follow proper directionsfor using the softener.
Clothesare grayedor yellowed:this is dueto not pouring
enoughdetergentfor large loads.You mayhaveto addmore
detergentto theload.
Clothesare ripped & haveholes/excessivewear & tear: this is dueto
sharp objectssuchas pins and beltbucklesleft in pockets.You will need
to removesmallloosesharp objects.Fastenbelts,zippers, metalsnaps
etc.Checkif you are using undilutedbleach.Never addundiluted
bleachto wash.
roubleCodes Reason
E0 Top lid not closedduring delaystart sequence
E1 Blockageof drain hose
E2 Top lid not closedduring wash operation
E4 The water inlet time exceeds the preset time(30minutes)