IP Routing Features
Configuring OSPF
restrict Disabled
Parameter Default Page
rfc-1583-compatibility Enabled
metric-type type2
trap < ospf-trap > Enabled
Note Set global level parameters in the ospf context of the CLI. To access this
context level, ensure that routing is enabled, then execute router ospf at the
global CONFIG level. For example:
ProCurve (config)# router ospf
ProCurve (ospf)#
Table 5-7. OSPF Default Interface Settings
Parameter Default Page
all n/a
area None
authentication-key None
cost 1
dead-interval 40 seconds
hello-interval 10 seconds
md5-auth-key-chain None
priority 1
retransmit-interval 5 seconds
transit-delay 1 second
Note Use the VLAN interface context to set interface level OSPF parameters for the
desired VLAN. To access this context level, use vlan < vid > either to move to
the VLAN context level or to specify that context from the global config level.
For example, both of the following two command sets achieve the same result:
ProCurve(config)# vlan 20
ProCurve(vlan-20)# cost 15
ProCurve(config)# vlan 20 cost 15