
PIM-DM (Dense Mode)
Configuring PIM-DM
Syntax: ip pim-dense [ max-graft-retries < 1 - 10 >
vlan < vid > ip pim-dense [ max-graft-retries < 1 - 10 >
Changes the number of times the routing switch will retry
sending the same graft packet to join a flow. If a Graft Ack
response is not received after the specified number of retries,
the routing switch ceases trying to join the flow. In this case
the flow is removed until either a state refresh from
upstream re-initiates the flow or an upstream router floods
the flow. Increasing this value helps to improve multicast
reliability. Not used with the no form of the ip pim-dense
command. (Default: 3 attempts.)
Syntax: ip pim-dense [ lan-prune-delay ]
vlan < vid > ip pim-dense [ lan-prune-delay ]
Enables the LAN Prune Delay option on the current VLAN.
With lan-prune-delay enabled, the routing switch informs
downstream neighbors how long it will wait before pruning
a flow after receiving a prune request. Other, downstream
routers on the same VLAN must send a Join to override the
prune before the lan-prune-delay time if they want the flow to
continue. This prompts any downstream neighbors with
hosts continuing to belong to the flow to reply with a Join.
If no joins are received after the lan-prune-delay period, the
routing switch prunes the flow. The propagation-delay and
override-interval settings (below) determine the lan-prune-
delay setting.
Uses the no form of the ip pim-dense command to disable the
LAN Prune Delay option. (Default: Enabled.)