Installation and Getting Started Guide
Displaying IP Information – HP 6208M-SX
You can display the following IP configuration information statistics on the HP 6208M-SX:
• Global IP settings – see “Displaying Global IP Configuration Information” on page 6-100.
• ARP entries – see “Displaying ARP Entries” on page 6-101.
• IP traffic statistics – see “Displaying IP Traffic Statistics” on page 6-102.
Displaying Global IP Configuration Information
To display the switch’s IP address and default gateway, use either of the following methods.
To display the IP configuration, enter the following command from any level of the CLI:
HP6208(config)# show ip
Switch IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default router address:
TFTP server address: None
Configuration filename: None
Image filename: None
Syntax: show ip
This display shows the following information.
Table 6.19: CLI Display of Global IP Configuration Information – switch
This Field... Displays...
IP configuration
Switch IP address The management IP address you configured on the switch. ecify
this address for Telnet or Web management access.
Subnet mask The sub-net mask for the management IP address.
Default router address The address of the default gateway, if you specified one.
Most recent TFTP access
TFTP server address The IP address of the most-recently contacted TFTP server, if the
switch has contacted a TFTP server since the last time the software
was reloaded or the switch was rebooted.
Configuration filename The name under which the switch’s startup-config file was uploaded
or downloaded during the most recent TFTP access.
Image filename The name of the switch flash image (system software file) that was
uploaded or downloaded during the most recent TFTP access.
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