Configuring VLANs
To configure the VLANs shown in Figure 16.11, use the following procedure.
1. To permanently assign ports 1 – 3 and port 8 to IP sub-net VLAN, enter the following commands
HP6208> en
No password has been assigned yet...
HP6208# config t
HP6208(config)# ip-subnet name Green
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# no dynamic
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# static ethernet 1 to 3 ethernet 8
2. To permanently assign ports 4 – 6 and port 8 to IP sub-net VLAN, enter the following commands:
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# ip-subnet name Yellow
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# no dynamic
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# static ethernet 4 to 6 ethernet 8
3. To permanently assign ports 1 – 6 and port 8 to IPX network 1 VLAN, enter the following commands:
HP6208(config-ip-subnet)# ipx-network 1 ethernet_802.3 name Blue
HP6208(config-ipx-network)# no dynamic
HP6208(config-ipx-network)# static ethernet 1 to 6 ethernet 8
4. To permanently assign ports 4 – 6 and port 8 to Appletalk VLAN, enter the following commands:
HP6208(config-ipx-proto)# atalk-proto name Red
HP6208(config-atalk-proto)# no dynamic
HP6208(config-atalk-proto)# static ethernet 4 to 6 ethernet 8
HP6208(config-atalk-proto)# end
HP6208# write memory
Syntax: ip-subnet <ip-addr> <ip-mask> [name <string>]
Syntax: ipx-network <ipx-network-number> <frame-encapsulation-type> netbios-allow | netbios-disallow
[name <string>]
Syntax: ip-proto | ipx-proto | atalk-proto | decnet-proto | netbios-proto | other-proto
static | exclude | dynamic
ethernet <portnum> [to <portnum>] [name <string>]
Routing Between VLANs using Virtual Interfaces
(Routing Switches Only)
The routing switches offer the ability to create a virtual interface within a Layer 2 STP port-based VLAN or within
each Layer 3 protocol, IP sub-net, or IPX network VLAN. This combination of multiple Layer 2 and/or Layer 3
broadcast domains and virtual interfaces are the basis for Integrated Switch Routing (ISR). ISR is very flexible
and can solve many networking problems. The following example is meant to provide ideas by demonstrating
some of the concepts of ISR.
Example: Suppose you want to move routing out to each of three buildings in a network. Remember that the only
protocols present on VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 are IP and IPX. Therefore, you can eliminate tagged ports 25 and 26
from both VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 and create new tagged port-based VLANs to support separate IP sub-nets and IPX
networks for each backbone link.
You also need to create unique IP sub-nets and IPX networks within VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 at each building. This
will create a fully routed IP and IPX backbone for VLAN 2 and VLAN 3. However, VLAN 4 has no protocol
restrictions across the backbone. In fact there are requirements for NetBIOS and DecNet to be bridged among
the three building locations. The IP sub-net and IPX network that exists within VLAN 4 must remain a flat Layer 2
switched STP domain. You enable routing for IP and IPX on a virtual interface only on 9304 A. This will provide
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