
Introducing the Switch
Front of the Switch
Introducing the Switch
Table 1-2. RPS LED Behavior
RPS Status
Normal operation. RPS is connected and operating correctly. RPS could be powering
the unit - see table below.
RPS is connected but has experienced a fault.
RPS is not connected or is not powered.
Fan Status
On Normal operation, all fans are ok.
Blinking* One of the unit’s fans has failed. The switch Fault LED will be blinking simultaneously.
Off The normal operational state; the switch is not undergoing self test.
On The switch self test and initialization are in progress after the switch has been power
cycled or reset. The switch is not operational until this LED goes off. The Self Test LED
also comes on briefly when you “hot swap” a mini-GBIC into the switch; the mini-GBIC
is self tested when it is hot swapped.
Blinking* A component of the switch has failed its self test and the switch Fault LED will blink
Port is in use
Port is not in use
* The blinking behavior is an on/off cycle once every 1.6 seconds, approximately.
Switch LEDs State Meaning
RPS modes This table describes the behavior of the RPS LED associated with 600 RPS/EPS operation. (Power, RPS/
EPS, Fault)
Power LED RPS LED Fault LED Description
On Off Off Normal operation. 600 RPS/EPS is not connected or not powered.
On On Off Normal operation. 600 RPS/EPS is available.
On On/Off Blinking Unit has experienced a fault and another LED will be blinking to
determine fault.
Off On Blinking 600 RPS/EPS is running the switch in failover mode. No AC power to the
unit, or the internal power supply has failed.
Off Off Off Unit is un-powered by AC input line and the external 600 RPS/EPS
On Blinking Blinking The 600 RPS/EPS unit has experienced a fault.
On Blinking Off The 600 RPS/EPS unit is unavailable to power the Switch in event of an
internal power supply failure. The 600 RPS/EPS is designed to provide
power to one of its connected switch devices at a time. The Power
Status LED on the 600 RPS/EPS unit will also be blinking for this device.