
Launching Windows XP from Windows 7
Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 allows you to install and launch Windows XP applications from the
Windows 7 taskbar. This feature is available on some computer models only.
To set up from a pre-installed Windows 7 desktop, click Start > Windows Virtual PC > Virtual
Windows XP and follow the instructions on the screen.
Accessing Disk Image (ISO) Files
There are disk image files (ISO files) included on your PC that contain the installation software for
additional software. These CD image files are located in the folder C:\SWSetup\ISOs. Each .iso file
can be burned to CD media to create an installation CD. It is recommended that these disks be created
and the software installed in order to get the most from your PC. The software and image file names
Corel WinDVD SD and BD – installation software for WinDVD – used to play DVD movies
HP Insight Diagnostics OR Vision Diagnostics – software to perform diagnostic activities on your
Launching Windows XP from Windows 7