
60 Managing fabrics
Managing aliases
An alias is a collection of objects that can be zoned together. An alias is not a zone, and cannot have a
zone or another alias as a member.
NOTE: Changes that you make to the zoning database are limited to the managed switch and do not
propagate to the rest of the fabric. To distribute changes to configured zone sets fabric wide, you must edit
the zoning databases on the individual switches. You will not see aliases in the active zone set
Creating an alias
To create an alias, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Zoning > Edit Zoning to open the Edit Zoning dialog.
2. Select Edit > Create Alias to open the Create Alias dialog.
3. Enter a name for the alias.
The alias name is displayed in the Zone Sets dialog. An alias name must begin with a letter and be no
longer than 64 characters. Valid characters are 0—9, A—Z, a—z, _, $, ^, and -.
4. Click OK to close the Create Alias dialog.
5. Click OK to close the Edit Zoning dialog and save the alias name to the zoning database.
Adding a member to an alias
You can add a port/device to an alias by domain ID and port number, or the device port WWN. To add
ports/devices to an alias, perform the following procedure:
1. Select Zoning > Edit Zoning to open the Edit Zoning dialog.
2. Choose one of the following methods to add the port/device:
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree, and drag it into the alias. Press and hold Control while
selecting to select multiple ports/devices.
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree. Press and hold Control to select multiple ports/devices.
Select an alias. Select Edit > Add Members.
Select a port/device in the Port/Device tree. Press and hold Control while selecting to select
multiple ports/devices. Select an alias. Click Insert.
3. If the port/device you want to add is not in the Port/Device tree, you can add it by doing the following:
a. Right-click the selected alias.
b. Select Edit > Create Members.
c. Choose the WWN or Domain/Port option.
d. Enter the hexadecimal value for the port/device according to the option selection: 16 digits for a
WWN member or 4 digits for a Domain/ Port member (DDPP).
4. Click OK to add the member and save the change.
Removing an alias from all zones
To remove an alias from all zones, perform the following procedure:
1. Select the alias to be removed in the Zone Sets tree in the Edit Zoning dialog.
2. Select Edit > Remove Alias from All Zones.
3. Click Yes in the Remove dialog.