64 Chapter3
HP Easytime/XL Tasks
Much of the work that is done on the system can be accomplished with
jobs. A job is a file that contains commands that would normally be
entered at the keyboard during an interactive session. When starting a
job, the computer interprets and executes these commands
automatically. No further user input is necessary.
HP Easytime/XL sorts jobs according to status and runs each in turn.
These jobs are listed (queued) on the Job Management screen where
they can be managed and can monitor their progress.
The menus at the top of the Job Management screen contain all of the
options necessary for managing the jobs, including the following tasks:
• Status
• Starting
• Deleting
• Scheduling
• Put on hold
• Take off hold
• Suspending and resuming jobs
• Moving a job to top of queue
• Changing status
• Limiting
• Setting Jobfence
• Displaying
• Sorting
The Job Management screen provides the following information about
jobs on the system:
• Job Name
• User name
• Account under which the job is logged
• Program that the job is running (if there is one)
• Status of the job
• Start Date/Time (when job started or when scheduled to start)
Figure 3-5 illustrates the Job Management screen.