
Index 110
access panel 24
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 66
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 71
Advanced ECC support 45
airflow requirements 30, 31
Altiris Deployment Solution 67
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 66
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 71
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 67
authorized reseller 100
auto-configuration process 64
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 67
Autorun menu 63
backplane, hard drive 61
batteries, replacing 90, 95
battery 14, 90, 95
battery pack LEDs 19
battery-backed write cache battery pack 62
BIOS Serial Console 65
BIOS upgrade 68
boot options 65
BSMI notice 94
buttons 7, 8, 11
cable management arm 27, 32, 33
cables 59, 77, 93
cabling 59, 60, 61, 62
Care Pack 29, 73
cautions 75
CD-ROM drive 50
CMOS (complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor) 14
component identification 7
components 7
configuration of system 35, 63
Configuration Replication Utility 64
configuration tools 63
connection problems 77
connectors 7
contacting HP 100
creating a disk image 67
DC power supply 52
Declaration of Conformity 92
deployment software 67
device numbers 16
diagnosing problems 74, 77
diagnostic tools 63, 67, 68, 70, 71
diagnostics utility 70
diskette image creation 67
drive LEDs 17
drivers 72
DVD/CD-ROM drive, removing 50
electrical grounding requirements 32
electrostatic discharge 97
environmental requirements 30
Erase Utility 68
European Union notice 93
expansion board 11, 54
expansion slot covers 55
expansion slots 10, 11, 54, 55
external health LED 8
fan board 21, 60
fan board connector 60
fan configurations 20, 21
fan operation 28
FBDIMM slot locations 15
features 7
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
notice 91, 92, 93
flash ROM 68
flowcharts 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87
front panel components 7
front panel LEDs 8