Model 5328A
Table 5-4. Performance Test (Continued)
PER A - counter will measure periods of signals to 10 MHz with resolutions from 10 ns to
0.1s in decade steps.
PER AVG A - counter will measure periods of signals to 10 MHz with resolutions from
100 ns to 0.01 ps in decade steps. The number of periods over which the period average
measurement is made can be selected by the FREQ RESOLUTION, N switch.
Description: The 1 MHz time base output from the rear panel of the 5328A drives the A
channel input of the counter.
Set 5328A Function switch to PER A; Freq Resolution, N switch to 1 MHz, 1; Level A to
PRESET; AC coupling; X10 ATTEN; SEP. Verify that the counter displays 1.0µsec. Mark
results on performance test record.
Set the 5328A Function switch to PER AVG A and the Freq Resolution, N switch to 1 Hz,
Verify that the counter displays approximately 999,9XXXX nsec with 0.1 psec reso-
lution. Mark results on performance test record.
5. RATIO B/A, or C/A
RATIO B/A, RATIO C/A-Counter will measure the ratio of the frequency at B (0 to
100 MHz) or C (30 to 500 MHz) to the frequency at A (0 to 10 MHz) for N counts of A.
Description: The 1 MHz time base output from the rear panel of the 5328A drives the
A, B or C input channels of the counter.